Our School

Primary SEND

Welcome to Primary's information page for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

In the Primary Phase of Waverley School, we pride ourselves on being inclusive. We are determined that every child has every possible opportunity to succeed. We ensure that children with special educational needs or disabilities are not treated less favourably than other pupils and endeavour to provide a provision that allows children to develop and make progress.  Across Primary, our team strives to ensure that each chid achieves academically and socially and is able to feel successful. 

Admission arrangements for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. 

The School's admission policy is applied to all children with SEND and no child is refused admission on the grounds of SEN, disability or medical conditions.  When children start at Waverley School, in our Primary Phase, an induction meeting is arranged where information about the child is shared.  This meeting will involve parents/carers and any other professionals who are working with the child. This information is then shared with school staff and supports practitioners to make informed decisions about the nature of the provision required to meet the child’s needs. A phased or amended school day may be offered at the beginning of the induction process. 

An accessible school curriculum.

The school curriculum is designed to be inclusive for all children, with personalised activities designed to support the individual needs of children. In line with the SEN Code of Practice, the class teacher leads on SEN for their class and implements advice from the SENCo for SEND and Inclusion. Class teachers also ensure that recommendations from professionals and agencies are embedded within their classroom. This may mean that there are amendments or adjustments to lesson planning, resources or delivery, to consider and cater for the individual needs of the child. Support may be offered by the class teacher, by a teaching assistant or by a member of the Inclusion Team, including Learning Mentors.  


 Different kinds of special educational needs are described here:

 Communication and Interaction

 How a child talks to, listens, responds, plays with and learns with other children and adults.

 Cognition and Learning

 How a child thinks, learns and understands the world.

 Children may have a specific learning difficulty such as:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyspraxia

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

How a child shows their feelings, negotiates and solves problems in different situations and how they handle changes in routine.

Sensory and/or Physical Needs

How a child responds to the environment and learning using their senses and fine/gross motor skills.

Children may also have a disability such as:

  • Physical disability
  • Visual impairment
  • Hearing impairment
  • Multi-sensory impairment (Both visual and hearing)

You Said- We Did

Last academic year parents shared the following view points and this is what we’re doing about them:

You Said

We Did

The Inclusion Team needs to have more than one person in it!

An Admin Assistant who supports SEND has joined the Team and a Resource Base Manager was appointed.

The SEND System is complicated and difficult to understand.

Professional agencies have come into school to lead coffee mornings and talk through Birmingham's Local Offer. The Local Offer has been signposted on our website and is regularly referred to in workshops.

The same staff need to work with my child so there is less change and more stability.

School has advertised for additional support staff roles to support SEND children with funding and wherever possible, successfully appointment.

It feels like for my child in the Resource Base they are restricted to one room only.

A Primary Inclusion remodelling will be undertaken during 2024/2025 to support our children to have the best possible learning environment with more space to learn and thrive in.

Can my SEND child attend all clubs?

Yes indeed. SEND children have the same rights and opportunities to access clubs and enrichment opportunities within the Primary Phase. Places for clubs are filled based on a first come, first serve basis meaning that our SEND children regularly attend booster classes and sporting activities such as afterschool gymnastics and football club.