Virtual Parents & Carers Evenings
For the academic year 2021/2022, some of our parents'/carers' consultation evenings will held online via the SchoolCloud online platform. This will allow our staff to meet with Parents & Carers online whilst maintaining social distancing.
The event will operate as similarly to the face-to-face parent/carer consultation evenings as possible.
The event will commence at 16:00 and end at 18:30. The final appointment will take place at 17:50.
Appointment slots will last 5 minutes.
Please note that the software will end the virtual meeting after 5 minutes. Staff will be unable to extend appointment times.
Parents/Carers will be able to sign up to appointment slots via the SchoolCloud platform.
All subject teachers, form tutors, and Achievement Co-ordinators will be available to attend appointments.
There are two stages to attending a virtual parents'/carers' evening:
1 - Booking appointments | 2 - Attending appointments |
Should you have any additional queries, please e-mail the school at
Technical requirements
In order to make video calls you need to have as a minimum:
- a device with a microphone and speaker/headphones
- a compatible up-to-date web browser:
iPhone/iPad: Safari, Chrome Note: there is a known issue joining video calls using iOS 14.2. Please upgrade any iOS 14.2 devices to iOS 14.3, or use a different device.
Android: Chrome, Firefox or the Samsung Browser
Windows: Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge
Mac: Safari, Chrome or Firefox
Linux: Chrome or Firefox
We also recommend:
- Using your smartphone for video appointments. If you don't have a smartphone with a front-facing camera, use a laptop or computer with a webcam.
- Using a headset (or earphones with a microphone) to reduce echo.