Beyond the classroom

Behind the achievements of our students is a whole system of support. We are proud of our reputation in this area, and aim to create a supportive and caring environment for all students. At the same time, we are particularly keen to encourage students to become independent learners and to realise their potential.

Sixth Form courses are demanding, and many students will require help and support along the way. Each student has a personal tutor who will remain with him/her throughout the Sixth Form. Students meet with their tutor on a daily basis, not only for registration, but also to be given guidance and advice when necessary together with following a study support programme. The students are also supported by a Sixth Form Learning Mentor.

Furthermore, students can access our student counselling sessions on a drop-in, or an appointment basis. This is a confidential service for students where they are able to discuss issues that are causing them concern. We have worked to build links within the local community, the NHS, and between school departments to ensure that the students who access this service are fully supported, and can be signposted to other services that may be more suitable to their ongoing needs.

In addition to the academic and emotional support outlined above, we also provide the following facilities:

  • Well-equipped Learning Resources Centre/library, with a full range of textbooks, background reading, magazines and newspapers and audio visual aids.
  • Careers Library
  • Dedicated Sixth Form study area with networked work stations and full internet and e-mail access
  • Sixth Form Learning Support Mentor
  • Individual interview prior to enrolment in Sixth Form
  • Taster sessions in a range of subjects
  • Full induction programme
  • Regular progress checks
  • Target setting
  • Small, supportive tutor groups
  • Careers interviews
  • University visits and conferences
  • Mock interviews
  • UCAS induction programme
  • University and Industrial links

Believe, Achieve, Succeed