Comenius Project

‘Myths, legends and storytelling’

The Comenius project involves four schools from four nations working together on myths and legends from the four countries. Fifty students are involved in this project from England, France, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Visit 1 of Project

For this project Waverley school took 14 students to a school in the Czech Republic at the end of October to the Arcibiskupké gymnázium in KroměřÍži to start the initial stages of this project.

The students shared their myths and legends from England with students from the other three schools and heard their stories. The students overcame the language barriers to have an enjoyable time and make new friends.

Our students also got to enjoy the delights of some the Czech Republic visiting Olomouc and meeting the archbishop there. The students are continuing this project using all the technology available to them via the internet, using a website created just for this project and Skype conversations.

Visit 2 of Project

Waverley gave a warm welcome to our Comenius partners 12th-16th March.

64 pupils from Germany, France, The Czech Republic and Waverley School participated in the second phase of the EU Comenius Project: Myths, Legends and Storytelling’.

Pupils worked harmoniously together from 12th-16th March in Waverley School. The aim of the week was to work further on producing a publication on the theme and to show our visitors around Birmingham and London.

Matthias Mahessenauer, the lead teacher from Germany commented ‘I do appreciate the way in which the pupils worked together right from the start. It was a chance for our pupils to take part and actively play a role in the diversity day as well as forge friendships’.