Transition to Waverley School - Secondary


We are really looking forward to welcoming your child to Waverley School in September and building relationships with your family as you join our school community. We know it can be both exciting and daunting to move onto secondary school and we aim to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

This page is dedicated to help new students who will be joining Waverley School. 

You will receive further information in the coming weeks to help support your child feel prepared and ready to join the school this coming September.  

For transition day we have designed a transition programme to allow students to get to know the school and aim to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible for all students. 

I am really looking forward to welcoming your child to our school. 

Please do get in touch if you would like any support. We are here to help with any worries or concerns. 

I look forward to meeting you all. 

Mrs Evans 

Head of Year 7


This is a full day experience for our new students aimed at giving the students a ‘day in the life of’ experience around school. This day will help the students feel familiar with our school, ready for when they will join us in September. 

On the day the students will:

  • Arrive in their primary school uniform.
  • Be engaged in a variety of activities.
  • Get a tour of the school.
  • Meet their form tutor and other key staff.

You will receive further information providing details of the arrangements for the day.