Mock Examinations
The school will commence a mock examination period week beginning 21 October and 04th November 2024. These exams will be conducted in the same way as our formal examinations, for which you can find further details on our Exams 2023 webpage.
This includes formal mock examinations for pupils in Year 11 and Year 13. Please see the attached timetable.
Intervention timetable
Revision resources
All candidates at Waverley School are provided with revision guides and/or revision workbooks.
All departments will provide candidates with additional bespoke resources such as:
- past exam papers;
- revision booklets;
- guides for 'closing the gaps';
- access to online learning platforms (e.g. MathsWatch, etc.)
- key links to additional resources available online.
The school has provided every candidate with:
- online tutorials provided GCSE Pod - log in details are available via your child's school e-mail account;
- access to the school's revision hub - a bespoke platform containing revision materials for pupils to access.
Pupils can also make contact with their teachers via the school e-mail service or Microsoft Teams.
We are asking for your help too.
Please support your child by:
- Giving them access to a structured, calm setting at home where they can revise;
- Asking them challenging questions about what topics they are working on and how they are revising;
- Asking them to show you their work that they have completed over the half-term break;
- Ensuring that they have eaten a healthy, nutritious breakfast before school on each day of the examination.
We look forward to celebrating our pupils' results with you.