Year 12 and 13 Tutor time

We will be commencing with online form tutor sessions via Microsoft Teams. We intend to start this offer from the week beginning 1st February 2021.

We believe that online form tutor sessions are an important part of our provision that will ensure your child receives the support they need to continue with their Post 16 education at home.

How the pupils access the form period?

Your child’s form tutor will send your child an appointment via Teams for 8:45-9:10am on one morning in the next few working days. It does not happen every day.

When will the form time session take place?

We plan to begin with sessions on the 3rd and 4th February 2021, with live form tutor sessions taking place once a week.

There will also be a live assembly that will take place once a week for Year 12 and Year 13 students to provide our students with important updates on UCAS and career based virtual events.

Your child only needs to attend the session that is calendared for them.

What is the aim of the session and what will happen during the session?

When your child was attending Sixth Form full-time, they received daily contact with a single member of staff to support their wellbeing and welfare. We believe that this is an essential part of your child’s school day and we have been working to offer the same whilst your child is taking part in remote learning.

We would like to have face-to-face contact with your child to check-in, support them with their sixth form work, and to continue with our effective personal, social, health education (PSHE) tasks.

Your child will have an opportunity to discuss their learning, address any issues they are facing with remote teaching, and participate in important post 16 related topics.

We are asking for your support as parents and carers to ensure that your child can access the session on a device at the set time. We are aware that sibling share devices and so we have split the session over a number of days. Pupils only need attend the session to which they have been invited.

We have put in place a number of measures to ensure online safety within the session. Your child will be briefed on the rules and expectations, and we are reminding parents/carers that your child will be recorded as they participate. This is to secure their safety and wellbeing. These recordings are held centrally and securely on our servers and are never published. All data is held in accordance with our GDPR policy. You can view this policy via our website, or request a printed copy by contacting Main Reception.

Monitoring Engagement of pupils in online school work:

Teachers are tracking lesson engagement. This means that they report weekly on how your child has been engaging with the learning via the online platforms. We intend to share this information with parents/carers

Yours sincerely,

J Dhillon
Director of Sixth Form