Enforced closure - 2nd November 2020

Details concerning an enforced closure on 2nd November 2020.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Due to a Trust-wide Internet outage, we are unable to open Waverley School and Waverley Studio College on Monday 2nd November. Our telephones and other critical systems rely upon an Internet connection, which as a result of the outage are now not functioning. This causes a health and safety issue for our students and staff. 

Students who are undertaking public exams on Monday 2nd November should attend school as originally instructed. Special arrangements have been put in place. 

I understand this will be inconvenient for many of you, but unfortunately too many of our essential systems rely on Internet access. With student welfare and safety in mind we have made this difficult decision to close.

We have engineers on site on Monday and will endeavour to open on Tuesday 3rd November. We will send a further communication to confirm this as soon as we are able.

We will, alongside trying to resolve the problem, focus our efforts on providing remote learning from Tuesday 3rd  November should we be unable to fully reopen. Again, further information will be provided should this become necessary.

Please continue to check our website and social media for further updates.

Kind regards

Mr Hyde

Executive Principal